Anyway, this is the first time either of the girls has done a VBS program and our church's program runs from 6-8:30pm which is a really late night for our girls. (especially Princess #2) In year's past we have bi-passed the program due to the late nights, but we decided to give it a try this year. Princess #1 is technically eligible to start in the preschool class and Princess #2 is technically not, but because the class below her is a nursery class the director moved her up to the preschool class. (We are in relatively small church and Princess #2 is the only one in her age group) I was curious to see how Princess #2 would do as most of the other children have completed preschool and are headed into Kindergarten and she is still 3 1/2 without any formal learning at this point. Thankfully the "leader" of her group is a wonderful preschool teacher and she is understanding of the children's abilities. She told me that Princess #2 is doing great and she is following directions well. She is obviously not able to do somethings that the others can do, but she does what she can. Mrs. H also allows her to take some "time outs" on the carpet to just rest or play with some toys on her own. Last night Princess #2 had a hard time going into class, she just wanted to stay with me, but after I finally got out she was fine. Princess #1 on the other hand is at the exact age the program is geared for and she is loving all the activities geared for her. She loves the crafts and the games and special snack they get every night. Unfortanely I am not sure how much of the bible lesson she is getting every night because like most VBS programs, it a rush it get in all the activities for a 2.5 hour night. Sounds like a good school circle time lesson at home to me...
Since the girls were going over for church, Prince Charming and I decided to volunteer our time too. I took charge of all the publicity before VBS started and then the Missions Moment and photography during VBS. Prince Charming is "Captain Taylor" in the skit for the closing each night. (he is quite the actor)
So.... needless to say our nights are extremely busy, with our day looking somewhat like this....5:30am: Prince Charning get up and leaves for work at 6am. Kids and I sleep in until 7am when Princess #3 awakes and needs to eat. We have breakfast. Then 8am-11am is catch up on everything around the house, unpacking bags from the night before, doing the dishes, doing laundry, giving baths, walking the dog, errands around town, etc... then I start "dinner" for the girls; I, because we don't have a "dinner" time at night. at 12pm: we are eating our big meal and then shortly thereafter all the girls are down for a good two hour nap because of the late nights. It also give me a time to work on my "Missions Moment" for that night. Then between 2pm-3pm I start packing "lunches" for everyone and the all the bags we will need for that evening (Prince Charming's costume, my papers, camera, etc). At 4pm I get a plate ready for Prince Charming (usually leftovers from our "dinner" lunch) to have when he gets home at 4:30pm while I pack the car and get the girls ready to get out the door. Then we all pile in the van to leave at 4:50pm and the girls get to eat some PBJ sandwiches and snacks on the way to church (me too). We arrive at church at 5:30pm and Prince Charming takes the girls to their "class" and watches Princess #3 while I set-up the computer and my presentation for the opening Missions Moment. The program starts at 6pm and I am done with my opening at 6:20pm. I take Princess #3 and Prince Charming goes and becomes "Captain Taylor". I head to the church office and work on the computer for the next hour on previous night's pictures (arranging them in a slide show to show during the closing.) Prince Charming has skit rehersal for the next hour. Between 7-8pm I scoot around and take some pictures (with other photographers too) and then head back to the sacturary to start up the slide show for the closing. Prince Charming does his skit in the closing (which so far has been the girls favorite part) and then we both go pick up the girls whip them into their PJ's and pack them into the van. I feed Princess #3 for the final time and we head out by about 9pm. We get home between 9:30 and 9:45 (kids have long since fallen asleep). We tuck them into their beds. We bring all the stuff inside maybe talk alittle about the evening or watch then end of a TV program. By 10-10:30pm we are tucking ourselves into bed only to start the day again....
Our Church as a Rainforest

Prince Charming aka Captain Taylor

Princess #2 doing a craft in her class

Princess #1 in the "closing" program

Whew... have I exhaused you yet??
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