Happy Birthday Daddy!

Welcome to birthday season! Our immediate family has 23 people. (parents, brothers/sisters, and niece/nephews. Of those 23 people, 17 of them have birthdays from late Aug-earlyFeb! So you will probably see lots of post about birthdays in the next few months.

My Dad turned 61 a week ago and we celebrated the event with dinner and cake and ice cream the following Saturday on my sister's birthday, but we are not celebrating her birthday until this Saturday with my nephew's birthday. In a week it is Princess #1's 5th birthday which we won't celebrate until the following Sunday!

My mom and dad (Grandpa and Grandma) with Princess #1
Happy birthday Dad
Princess #2 helping Grandpa blow out the candles
PopPop and Princess #3
MomMom's first social event since her deck diving accident 8 weeks ago and Princess #1
Uncle Pastor and Aunt Pharmacist- maybe adding to the kiddo total in the next few years??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No pressure or anything:)

Around KJ's Table: September 5th- September 11th

 Let's start out with a moment to remember It was also the first day of school this week: And back to prep-ahead meals since all my cook...