This week we did the letter "F' in school. Princess #2 is still having difficulty distinguishing "F" from "E" and "b" from "d" . They look so much alike! But we had lots of fun anyway! We started the week with a walk around the street to find the prettiest fall leaves then we...
We used the leaves to glue on to a large letter F on poster board

We practiced our shape of the week "triangles"

We worked on matching colors with the correct animals

We did leaf rubbings, this was really neat because it was almost as if a leaf just "appeared" as she colored. (I taped to leaves on the table and then taped a piece of copy paper over top. She just needed to color and the leaves came through)

Day #2: We made a leaf wreath to match the aquarium we did last week

We made a leaf collage that goes from green to brown in progression. Princess #1 ended up taking this into her Kindergarten class to share

We have moved from number counting into number recoginition. There is a difference between being able to count from 1-10 and recoginize each number. She has difficulty with 3 & 4.

We made leaf people

I taped the letter F on the floor for Princess #2 to walk on to repeat the letter name, what it sounded like and what started with f.
the two saying were:
"This is the letter F and it makes the sound fah, fah, fah"
"This is the little letter f and fall begins with f"

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