We glued pumpkin seeds all over the letter "J" and we made pumpkin playdough (homemade playdough with pumpkin pie spice and orange added) Princess #3 really like this and decided to put a whole glob in her mouth, that was fun trying to get out!

Walking on our letter "J" repeating the sayings
"this is the big letter J and it says Jah... this is the little letter j and it starts jack o lantern"
Princess #2 painted pumpkin vines by running a matchbox car through brown paint and then making lines on the paper. She added pumpkins later with orange paint and green leaves. This exercise was to help her to understand following directions and not just "free painting"
She painted glue on a pumpkin and then put it a bag of tiny tissue paper and shook it to cover the pumpkin and make a "fluffy" pumpkin as she called it. In hindsight I probably would have used glitter instead, the paper didn't stick all that well without help.
This painting was a lot of fun because I had Princess #2 make a fist and then I painted her fingers orange and she got to "stamp" a pumpkin then she used her thumbprint as the stem. I thought this would be a lot of fun to do another time as a family as Prince Charming's "pumpkin" would be much bigger then the girls. We could make a family pumpkin patch.
Princess #2 played a game to help her gross motor skills and listening to instructions skills by setting up these bowls and trying to toss a ping pong ball into the bowls. It is alot harder than is sounds.
As always we worked on flashcard letters. She is getting better at distingushing between the letter "E" and "F"
Back in the summer I made this box to go with our Flower lesson to recognize numbers. I made some pumpkins for Princess #2 to plant, she is still struggling with number recognition. We will continue to work on numbers 1-5

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