Well, friends and family, the e-mail you have been praying for is HERE!
We are excited to share with you that we signed a contract on our home this past weekend. Of course nothing is final until the money is in the bank at the closing, but if all goes as planned we will close on our home in New York around August 8th and be on the road to Oregon shortly after. WOW! So, over the next few weeks we will begin to wrap up our lives in NY and pack all our worldly possessions for an adventure of a lifetime!
God's timing is perfect. Our family has a planned vacation to Oregon for a family reunion from July 23-29. While we are there, we can hopefully locate and secure a rental house so we can move immediately into it when we arrive mid August. A major concern was getting our beloved cat to Oregon without stressing her too much. She does not travel well and the thought of taking her by car would have really been difficult, so since we are flying out for vacation just a week and a half before we move she will be coming with us on the plane! Grandma D will gladly "catsit" for us until we arrive to stay in August. I know this may sound funny, but this is a big answer to prayer! God is Good!
Needless to say, this is an exciting however emotional time for us. We have waited with anticipation for this moment for 18 months, but now that it's REALLY here, it's having a hard time "sinking in". Please pray for us over the next 3 weeks as we prepare, travel to Oregon for vacation, pack, and say our good byes.
We have appreciated your support in encouragement and prayers through this interesting journey and transition in our lives.

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