Bible Skills
- Bible Verse Memory- one per month
- Godly Behavior
- Daily Prayer
- Biblical character traits
- Proper behavior in church
- Familiar with short bible songs
- Number recognition 1-10
- Number Counting 1-20
- Understands comparisons (Big, bigger, biggest)
- Understands spatial awareness
- Counting and Sorting Objects
- Memory and matching skills
- Simple patterning recognition and reproduction
- Stringing beads
Pre-Reading Skills
- Proper care of books
- Left to right movement
- Correct pencil placement
- Story-picture recognition
- Identify all letters in sequence
- Identify shapes
- Identify colors
- Beginning understanding of opposites
- Name recognition
- Memorize short nursery rhyme or saying
- Tracing
- Understanding the difference between statements, questions, and comments
- Calendar recognition
- Seasons/holidays
- Weather
- Animal behavior
- Health and Hygiene
- Five Senses
- Identify basic body parts
- Playdough manipulation
- Painting by color
- Coloring within lines
- Cutting with scissors
- Pasting
- Creative free expression and exploration
- Understands musical contrasts (soft, loud, fast, slow)
- Dancing and creative music
- Introduce various styles of music
- Introduction to rhythm activities
- Introduction instrument identification
Gross and Fine Motor Skills
- Understand "jump", "climb", "run", "pedal" "catch"
- Games
- Outside Activities
- Obstacle course
- Lacing
- Puzzles
- Cutting
- Pasting
- Following 2 step directions
- Sit during one short story
- Nursery Rhymes
- Repeat directions
Dramatic Play
- Show and tell
- Puppets
- Wiping in bathroom
- Washing hands
- Putting on clothes
- Putting shoes on right feet
- Blowing nose
- Covering mouth with sneezing and coughing
- Obtaining and returning objects in correct places
- Familiar with different occupations
- Familiar with different parts of the community
- Familiar with different modes of transportation
- Familiar with own address and phone number
- Familiar with parents given name
- Obeying teachers/authority figures
- Having another adult other than parent as a leader
- Being patient for a turn
- Can sit still during a short circle time
- Learning manner, being poliet
- Speaking kindly to family members
- Standing in line patiently
- Respect God, adults and others Giving a receiving forgiveness
- Work independently
- Can "share" parent attention
- Expresses fustration in an appropriate manner
- Can deal with changes easily
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