MISSING LINK: Princess #2 4th Birthday

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In January Princess #2 turned 4. We had a small family party on her actual birthday and we then had a Tinker Bell party at church. She was/is big into fairies right now with the new Tinker Bell movie. I always struggle with her birthday because it falls so close to Christmas and I am worn out with all the partying and family functions. Her birthday is also the day before my mother's and a week before the Pharmacist's and 10 days before the Snuggler's (although he is 1/2 way across the Continent). This year was no different, we did try and separate out Grandma and Aunt Pharmacist's birthday. A lot of her friend's and their families were sick with the stomach bug and it was shortly there after our family made our own downward spiral into sickness. Now all that being said, Princess #2 seems no worse for the wear and she loved her party and everything that she brought home (all she wanted for the party was a violin with strings) so I guess I should just stop stressing and deal with life!

A late Christmas present 4 years ago
Princess #2's favorite birthday dinner: tacos
Happy Birthday Princess #2!

Hey look at my new gymnastic clothes

Look at my new violin with strings and Tinker Bell cake... can life get any better?
We had cookie decorating as our "activity" for the party
Princess #3 practing her newest skill...walking

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