This post is mainly for my sister-in-law in the frozen north who would someday like to homeschool her kids, but you can all peek into our little classroom...

The Northern Family
(there is a new little princess snuggled in Mommy's jacket)

Our classroom: there is another desk that didn't make this picture. On the left, under the pad of paper you will see bins that holds all of our supplies. To right are two desks that holds all of our books and writing utensils. In between the two desks is a bookshelf that houses all of our revelent books to the current theme.

Our daily circle time mainly revolves around the "days of the week" chart on the left, the "calendar" in the middle and the "weather chart" on the right. We then go over a bible lesson or memory verse and then read a few books.
I also write a letter to Princess #2 every school day that lets her know what we will be doing that day. She can't read but she has fun when I read it to her during circle time

Then it is to the table to do our activities/worksheets.

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