Princess #2 made her first public appearance with her violin. It was a pale comparison; but beautiful, to our pianist for who for more years than I can count; has retired and this is the first offertory after her retirement. You will be missed Krista, we are praying for you.
Well... the ladies had their lunch so the kiddos get their time too! We had a great time finishing out our week off with a playdate and lunch with some of our favorite friends.
While you may not be able to see it clearly and it is definitely not specific to the "west coast"... our new favorite lunch is white chicken chili... taught to us by the West Coast Starks!
These people... they are precious! They are my brothers and sisters... they are my friends. They are so loved by Christ that He gave His life for them... and I should love them the same. As we talk of our "love" on this Valentine's Day let us remember that God also calls us to love his church and the people in it as much as if not more than we love our chosen "loves".
We had co-op this week. It was really fun to get together with our homeschooler friends. We missed the January meeting due to my surgery... so it was even more fun to catch up with everyone! We did a science experiment called exploding rainbows... the kiddos loved it
So this week we added a new phrase to our house... "Load the dishwasher!"
A contractor friend of ours hooked us up with a used dishwasher and rebuilt a shelf unit to house it! It has been 8 years of hand-washing dishes and it is now over!! Thank you sooooo much Diehls!
Well I asked for it, so here it is... our first real nor'easter in about 3 years! We are up to about 6 inches and it is still coming fast and furious... expected to snow all day.
We love our local library as homeschoolers. Two of the three are doing a research project for the next few weeks and we are here looking at encyclopedias, getting/ordering books on their topics. Our local librarians know us by name and we love all the help they provide! Thank you!
We had our small group over for Super Bowl Sunday. While I am not a Patriots fan (even though we originate from MA) they played a good game and had a well deserved win.
Just a nice relaxing night in with mock take-out from Panera Bread (broccoli cheddar soup and steak/white cheddar panini). Played a few games and watched Night at the Museum per Princess #3 because she is learning about Sacagawea.
We started bi-weekly budget meetings more than 10 years ago when we were first introduced to Dave Ramsey's financial program and we still have them today... "spending" the paycheck. 😍