Super Busy Summer

This summer has been super duper busy! When school ended we jumped right into VBS season and summer camp season. Princess #1 went to her first week of summer camp at Camp Pinnacle (about 20 minutes away). She loved going and is already preparing for next year!  She was able to take a hoseback riding camp which was her absolute favorite and when asked each day what her favorite part was, she would say "horses!"  While I prepared for the big Vacation Bible School week. Prince Charming and I also got away for a quick overnight where we just enjoyed some nice R&R before the rush. VBS was 6 days if amazing, crazy, and fun! We had than 120 kids each day except for one and about 17 kiddos come to know the Lord as their personal savior.

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Around KJ's Table: September 5th- September 11th

 Let's start out with a moment to remember It was also the first day of school this week: And back to prep-ahead meals since all my cook...