Spring Doings

Spring was a bit more out and about and full of lots of doctor's visits (unfortunately)

Princess #2 and I got to see Wizard of Oz on stage 

We celebrated my 38th birthday (notice the splint on my wrist).  I also had an ACL scare in my knee

KJ tore his ACL in his shoulder and broke his thumb... told you there was a lot of doctor's visits.

The highlight of the spring though has to be this... my little brother becoming a full-time pastor.  Amazing to think this little snot-nosed, annoying, little runt grew up to be an amazing man of God!  Love watching God use their family is amazing ways.

Princess #1 had her spring chorus concert

We really have enjoyed the birds on our front lawn

Feeding frenzy

Look real close and you will enjoy the cooper hawk we have enjoyed the last month or so

The Noble Gentleman and the Pearl stayed with us for a weekend

they had lots of cousin love

Some friends take ballet and we went and watched their recitcal

We cut down a large tree limb that was laying on our roof

Ge-Pa and Grandma told the girls they were taking them to Disney World this fall

And we had fun in the rain!

Around KJ's Table: September 5th- September 11th

 Let's start out with a moment to remember It was also the first day of school this week: And back to prep-ahead meals since all my cook...