~Our girls are growing like weeds! We have had a wonderful family who has given us hand-me-downs since Princess #1 was 6 months old. Unfortantely Princess #1 has caught up in size to their youngest, therefore we are praying for another family who has a slightly older girl for size 8 hand-me-downs. (Mainly pants) We have an over adundance of size 6/6x so if anyone is in need... please let me know!
~We have still not found Prince Charming's ipod please continue to pray it will show up somewhere.
~ We celebrated Prince Charming's birthday with a small family dinner and quiet party. He was quite pleased.
~ Princess #2 found her first wiggly tooth this morning and she is super excitied! Let's pray it isn't too long before she actually looses it or I think I might go crazy with her exicitment!! :)-
~January/February/March are long cabin-fever months for this social-bug of a housewife. This year seems to have it's really slow months. Please pray for God's unwavering presence in the long, cold days of March and early April.
~Prince Charming is starting the budget process for our church with the Trustee board. Just keep him in your prayers as they have to make wise and prudent decisions for our church and its ministries.
~I am starting the process of nominating church officers through the nominating committee at our church. Please pray that God will direct our decisions, and keep us unified.
That seems to be it for this month. Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure...
A family picture
Princess #1 on one of the snow banks at church
Princess #2 on one of the snow banks at church
Prince Charming using the backhow to move snow at the church parking lot, he has spent many hours on this project
Princess #3 not liking climbing the snow
Our "new-to-us-on-permanent-loan" snowblower