January 2011

During 2010 we have been learning how important the power of prayer is. We have learned that we can be good christian people and try really hard at doing the right thing but without the power of prayer we would be working in our strength. God wants to provide us with so much more beyond what we can comprehend or imagine. Therefore in the this new year we would like to begin being more purposefully with our prayer life and share them with you, our faithful family and friends. (Plus it gives you non-facebookers and peek into our daily lives.) Please feel free to reply to let me know if you would rather receive a printed copy. None of the information is confidential unless specifically specified so feel free to share as you feel necessary.  And please feel free to send us any prayer requests that your families may have!
So onto it...January 2011:

~ We just returned from California, and had a great time! We got to spend some much needed time with the Marine and and their family. We are slowing returning to normal life and east coast time. Princess #2 has brought home a nasty cold with her. She is having a tough time at nighttime especially.  Today I had to take her to the ER and found she had double ear infections...hopefully the antibiotics will help.

~Princess #2 and Princess #1 returned to school this Thursday (1/6) after a nearly 3 week vacation. They will need to do some catch up work and get back into the school routine. Especially Princess #1, who needs to specifically relearn the focus of schoolwork.

~While we were away our beloved dog, Reilly, passed away. He was 9 1/2 years old and was a faithful companion. We are still adjusting to the tragic loss. We are not closed to the idea of another dog, but will need lots of time to heal from the loss and our own house to potty train a new one!

~Speaking of potty training... I am going to buckle down and really work on Princess #3 learning to use the potty. It is a difficult and long process as all of you know... pray for patience on my part and ease of learning on Princess #3's.

~Keep praying for the house process. There has been no change or advances on our part. We continually watch the housing market, which seems relatively unchanged here in the area. We are also keeping our eyes open for land or the opportunity to build as well, but as of yet nothing seems to be opening up for us.

~I am studying the fruit of the spirit with Beth Moore. I am learning a lot, as always with Beth Moore. Pray for continually growth and learning.

~Prince Charming is on the trustee board at church, pray for guidance and wisdom as they work to maintain the financials and physical details of our church and it's ministries.
~ Princess #2 turns 6 this month!! January 20th she will celebrate with a tea/coffee party

~I am a part of the nominating committee at our church this year. This committee selects the canidates for officers of our church. We present the church body with a slate of canidates for voting. Pray for God's wisdom and guidance as we make these selections.

~I have been the VBS director at our church for the past 2 years. This a LARGE committment for me and we are praying if I should continue or not. Please pray with us.

Well that is all I can think of at this moment.... here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure

The Family 2011

The Decorator's family on Christmas Eve

The Grandchildren

The Grandchildren

Reilly Daniel Alan
June 15, 2001-December 30, 2010

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