Welcome to the our family, if you are here it is probably because you are related to us in some particular way. For those of you who are new to us, let's start with introductions...we are a household of all girls except for Prince Charming (hence the blog name) and the dog Reilly. First there is Prince Charming, provider and outdoorman, then me, the Domestic Goddess keeper of all things domestic, and we have been married for almost 10 years. We have three precious girls, Princess #1 who is 4 1/2, Princess #2 who is 3 and Princess #3, our newest addition, is just shy of 3 months. Prince Charming works at a hydro-electric plant and I do everything else that our lives require at home. Princess #1 starts Kindergarten in the fall and my newest venture is homeschooling Princess #2 for preschool.
I will update our lives from time to time, so check back often to see what I am thinking today!
Princess #1 at Preschool picnic
Princess #2 at the picnic
Princess #3 with Aunt Cole